The workshop Shared Code: Practices of Democratic Innovation and Cultural Management will have three key moments. At 9:30, the organizers, Enjambre and Trànsit Projectes, will give an introduction to explain the purpose of the meeting: to reflect together on democratic innovation and cultural management, all in a practical environment focused on exchanging experiences.
Next, there will be trigger talks, where various guests such as Efraín Foglia, femProcomuns, Fes Cultura, Teatre Arnau Itinerant, and Colectic will share their ideas on how democratic innovation relates to cultural management. The discussion will cover governance in collaborative cultural projects and how to promote deliberative processes through more horizontal relationships.
Following this, participants will work in groups to discuss the definitions, practices, challenges, and opportunities that arise from these connections. The day will conclude with the presentation of results and conclusions, creating a space to articulate possible future scenarios for collaboration between culture and democratic innovation. At 14:00, a communal lunch will be provided by the organization.