

Logo CryptPad

CryptPad provides a full-fledged office suite with all the tools necessary for productive collaboration. Applications include: Rich Text, Spreadsheets, Code/Markdown, Kanban, Slides, Whiteboard and Forms.

All data on CryptPad is encrypted in the browser. This means no readable data leaves the user's device. Even the service administrators cannot see the content of documents or user data.

CryptPad is built to enable collaboration with features such as team drives, calendar, and sharing. It synchronizes changes to documents in real time. Because all data is encrypted, the service and its administrators have no way of seeing the content being edited and stored.

CryptPad is free software. Anyone can host the platform in a personal or professional capacity. The development team offers subscriptions and support contracts for ready-to-use deployments.
CryptPad is made at XWiki SAS, a company based in Paris, France that has been making open-source software for over 20 years.