The battlefield of Social Networks: Meet the Fediverse

Most of our digital life is about relating and interacting with others in spaces such as social networks. But how are these spaces? The most popular social networks are owned by large companies that operate with an objective, and it does not always align with the respect for our digital rights. In fact, last December we discovered how Twitter's "public square" created blacklists to penalize the visibility of certain content and accounts. Do we have other spaces to weave these relationships?

City in beta: today's work, tomorrow's city

How are today's cities changing with the rapid digitization of our lives? Can we imagine what the city of the future will be? 'City in beta: today's work, tomorrow's city' is a documentary that reflects on urban planning, territory, mobility and new ways of working. The film shows some examples of co-living, the acceleration of digitization since the pandemic, and poses future scenarios for the world of work.

Baba is You

Do you know Baba is You? This puzzle challenges you to break the rules of the game and manipulate them until you find a method for objects to interact with each other. Rules are blocks, and when you manipulate them, you change how the game works. How far can you go?

In this new meeting, Isi Cano explains the experience of implementing a video game like Baba is You in elementary education projects.

Ecology and Technology: Anthropocene/Capitalocene/Technocene

En aquesta sessió abordarem, mitjançant un primer mapeig vectorial, algunes problemàtiques associades a cadascun d'aquests conceptes: el lloc de l'ésser humà en el conjunt de la biosfera i la seva relació amb la resta d'entitats no humanes; el paper del sistema de producció capitalista en el que Marx va denominar la “fractura en el metabolisme universal de la naturalesa”; i el rol de la tecnologia no sols en l'acceleració del canvi climàtic sinó també en la seva possible mitigació, mitjançant intervencions geotècniques com la captura i segrest de carboni.

Indigestió Forum

The forum is a meeting which gathers very diverse people. They are to give a 5-minute speech on issues related to culture. Musicians also participate in this: they have the tempo lead the interludes.

The forum is open to everybody. It is a a place which gathers people who are interested in delving into culture as a common denominator.

PyDay BCN 2022

PyDay is an event full of FREE python-related workshops and activities for the Python community, organized once per year. Over the last five editions, PyDay has become a great opportunity to share our love for Python and engage users, companies and newcomers into it!