

Digital and knowledge procommons, educommunication, transiting to the procommons

We are an integral consumer and work cooperative. The work team is composed of working members (5 people as of December 2022), workers with part-time employment contracts (2 people), and collaborating individuals and entities who work with us on various projects.

We organize ourselves into Cooperative Activities Groups (GACs) that correspond to different lines of work:

  • SomNúvol / CommonsCloud: We collectively gather free programming tools for online work. People and entities that utilize these tools become consumer members and pay a fee based on their specific needs. We provide training, workshops, and support.
  • XOIC: Xarxa Oberta d'Internet de les Coses. We promote the creation of a community infrastructure, which is open and based on free technologies, enabling the connection of various sensors and actuators to the Internet.