AIxWomen: Debunking myths and learning together about algorithms


What is an algorithm? How is artificial intelligence being applied in our daily lives? In these women and non-binary only workshop, we tackle the most basic questions to dispel fears and start using this technology that is increasingly becoming part of our everyday reality.

This is an inaugural workshop breaking the gender gap in technology, aiming to equip women and non-binary individuals with basic digital skills in artificial intelligence. We create a safe environment for those without prior knowledge, motivated to explore through games and activities the concepts of 'neural networks' and 'machine learning', or even learn how to train a machine.

Registrations opening soon.

Com construir una intel·ligència artificial de governança pública, auditable i en pro del bé comú? Parlem amb Paula Guerra, Karlos Castilla i Paula Boet.

Can Artificial Intelligence and Privacy Coexist?

Can we dream of AI public governance systems without gender biases, racists, or classist? What role should citizenship and the third sector play? Recovers the ideas shared by Karlos Castilla, Paula Guerra Cáceres and Paula Boet in the second session of the cycle «Artificial Intelligence, Rights, and Democracy: AI, public policies and discriminations».

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04 de May de 2023
Cultura, Intel·ligència Artificial i FuckGenderRoles al Canòdrom

Algorithms feed the patriarchy and these women fight them

On April 27, 2023, the International Day of Girls in ICT is celebrated under the motto “digital skills for life”. Last March 3, Canòdrom and DigitalFems organized a new day of the cycle of music and technology in the stands. We spoke to prominent feminist activists linked to the world of technology and music. 

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27 de April de 2023
Obrim la quarta convocatòria de residències

New Call for Residencies

The Canòdrom - Ateneu d'Innovación Digital i Democràtica opens a call for projects in residence for the 2023-2024 academic year with the aim of facilitating collaborative work spaces for different projects that work into the areas of technology, science and democracy.

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18 de April de 2023