Terror Contagion

Docs Hedy Lamarr 2024
Terror Contagion
Fri, 14/06/2024 de 21:00 a 23:30

Laura Poitras, director of Citizen Four, raises her voice in the midst of COVID lockdown to denounce the violence and violation of human rights by the cyber surveillance company NSO Group. Brian Eno's music immerses us in an atmosphere of terror and accompanies the investigation of Forensic Architecture, a research group that has been denouncing the abuse of power by governments and private corporations in the digital world for years.

A visual study by award-winning director Laura Poitras of the cyber surveillance company NSO Group, responsible for the Pegasus software that spies on journalists, political dissidents and activists around the world. Despite the increase in complaints, NSO Group continues to act with total impunity.

  • Special session with the double screening of the short films Terror Contagion and Quipu Project. Both short films deepen on how two communities have suffered abuse by governments and corporations, but also how they have used technology to confront it.
  • Door opening, 9:00 PM
  • Starting time, 9:30 PM
  • Free access with prior registration.


Docs Hedy Lamarr 2024

Cinema, science, technology and feminism join hands in the Documentary Film Series Docs Hedy Lamarr 2024, which takes place at the Canòdrom - Center for Digital and Democratic Innovation during the month of June. In this fourth edition, we explore the physical effects of technology beyond digital life: from how violence is exercised on feminized bodies, to how people reappropriate technology and organize to claim their rights.

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Com construir una intel·ligència artificial de governança pública, auditable i en pro del bé comú? Parlem amb Paula Guerra, Karlos Castilla i Paula Boet.

Can Artificial Intelligence and Privacy Coexist?

Can we dream of AI public governance systems without gender biases, racists, or classist? What role should citizenship and the third sector play? Recovers the ideas shared by Karlos Castilla, Paula Guerra Cáceres and Paula Boet in the second session of the cycle «Artificial Intelligence, Rights, and Democracy: AI, public policies and discriminations».

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04 de May de 2023
Cultura, Intel·ligència Artificial i FuckGenderRoles al Canòdrom

Algorithms feed the patriarchy and these women fight them

On April 27, 2023, the International Day of Girls in ICT is celebrated under the motto “digital skills for life”. Last March 3, Canòdrom and DigitalFems organized a new day of the cycle of music and technology in the stands. We spoke to prominent feminist activists linked to the world of technology and music. 

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27 de April de 2023
Obrim la quarta convocatòria de residències

New Call for Residencies

The Canòdrom - Ateneu d'Innovación Digital i Democràtica opens a call for projects in residence for the 2023-2024 academic year with the aim of facilitating collaborative work spaces for different projects that work into the areas of technology, science and democracy.

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18 de April de 2023