Sudoers Barcelona

Sudoers is a group of system sysadmins who meet to exchange experiences, tools and practices.

From classic systems administration to DevOps practices, CI/CD tools, configuration management, etc. Through talks or conferences, interesting tools are shared, as well as case studies, with the aim to apply free tools in Linux or BSD environments.

The meetings are promoted at the Canòdrom through the FemProcomuns collaborating project.

Register and join!

From Scratch

On the last Thursday of every month, the Toplap Barcelona collective meets for a live coding jam session where the artists have exactly 9 minutes to create their work, starting with a blank screen. At the end of the time the audience is obliged to applaud.

  • Do you want to come as an audience? Free entry
  • Want to play at the jam session? Write an email to


Canòdrom Meridiana

What does democracy mean in 2023? How do we participate in the day-to-day issues that affect us? Are you worried about the drift of technology and what big tech do with our data? How do we understand culture in the digital era? At whose service it is?