Open your wings with the digital tools that will make you more free


You look for an ideal program that helps you in your purpose and you end up going through hoops. You register and hand over your data and almost your soul to a technological giant to access the tool you want. But don't suffer, there are many alternatives! Discover them this autumn at the Canòdrom with a lot of activities and workshops that we propose to reach full technological sovereignty.

Start the course soaring high and with a freer soul than ever. Take note of the activities you’ll find at the Canòdrom, a wide range of workshops and actions that will provide you with the necessary tools to face the corsairs of time and data, who with a single click, diminish your autonomy. Take off and make robots move, master your phone and laptop with free software, network, decide collectively, and freely create all kinds of digital content. Shall we begin?

Me, a Robot? Introduction to Robotics and Programming | October 1st to December 17th, 5:30 PM

Program robots, video games, and even fruits through open digital tools that promote logical thinking and creativity among children aged 10 to 12, while they cooperate and practice programming with popular, free, and accessible tools like Scratch or Arduino.

Canòdrom Cibernàrium | September 10th to December 17th

At the Cibernàrium, you’ll find basic technological training using free software. This means you can learn to master your computer or mobile phone, as well as browse the internet or manage your email using free and open-source programs outside of the big tech corporations.

The workshops are part of several sessions organized in blocks, always from a critical perspective, with the goal of raising awareness of our digital rights and responsibilities.

Interactive Writing Workshop with Twine | September 16th to 23rd, 6 to 8 PM

Discover what makes interactive stories and narratives so engaging with the interactive writing workshop using Twine, led by digital narratives expert Violeta Motlles.

In this practical session, you’ll learn to structure non-linear stories using basic tools of the platform and write your own interactive stories applying all the acquired knowledge. No prior experience needed—learn to create digital interactives and explore the possibilities of digital storytelling to let your imagination soar!

Decidim Awesome Hackathon | October 20th, 12 to 2 PM

The Decidim Awesome module, within Decidim, opens up a range of possibilities for customizing your Decidim instance. By participating in the Decidim Awesome Hackathon, you’ll discover how to make the most of this module by tinkering with it and sharing discoveries collectively.

Guifilab: Come and Discover the Experimental Citizen Network | October 31st, 6 to 7:30 PM

If you’re not yet familiar with the network and intermediary-free communication technologies, this is your chance to dive in. In this Guifilab—meetings designed to acquire knowledge and exchange experiences related to the network—you’ll get to know the Canòdrom’s experimental network, which was deployed during the dWeb node meetings.

Decidim: Learn from Scratch | November 6th to 27th, 12 to 2 PM

The Decidim beginner’s training allows you to start taking advantage of this citizen participation platform, based on secure and free technology, with all the democratic guarantees already in use in Barcelona, Helsinki, Mexico, Brazil, Som Energia, La, or the FAVB.

In four sessions aimed at technical staff managing a Decidim, the training covers basic concepts and the first steps for platform administration, creating participation spaces, configuring the first actions, then preparing calls for proposals and collecting suggestions. Finally, you’ll learn to manage, evaluate, and accept or reject proposals.

Follow-up on the Experimental Citizen Network | November 29th, 6 to 7:30 PM

We continue exploring the installation, configuration, and implementation of the Canòdrom network, which is Barcelona’s only public infrastructure for experimenting with and promoting free and more secure technologies, independent of large corporations.

The 3 Ps: Manage Screens at Home with Presence, Progressivity, and Permissibility | November 29th, 6 to 7:30 PM

Digital technologies should be used to educate on the use of these digital tools, argues educator Anna Ramis, who leads this workshop. However, this can be done through responsible parenting that combines the protection of children and adolescents while promoting presence, progressivity, and permissibility in digital technologies—that is, guiding participation, providing gradual accompaniment in safe and beneficial use that becomes permissible over time.

How to Communicate Your Research? | December 10th, 10 to 11 AM

If you want to communicate research in a way that’s attractive and easily understandable, this workshop can help you explain your science and technology projects better. The training outlines key considerations before any communication action to achieve the benefits of effective scientific communication that clears up any doubts about complex research.

Data Detox: Digital Self-Care | December 12th, 12 to 2 PM

If you’re exhausted by excessive interactivity, lack of work-life separation, or the exposure of your data to big companies or cybercriminals, this workshop can help. You’ll be able to take control of your security and privacy and gain digital well-being. All of this through basic tips, tools, and the adoption of new habits for a more balanced, safe, and healthy digital life, free from overwhelm.