The video game is the most influential medium of our time. A space for the generation of symbolic universes with the capacity to generate and legitimize discourses. In addition, it has a clear influence on processes of community, civic and cultural participation. But there is a dark side to the sector: from how companies are dedicated to extracting and selling our data when we play, to dark design patterns designed to deceive users.
- 4:00 pm – Presentation with Luca Carrubba and Eurídice Cabañes, co-directors of ArsGames.
- 4:15 p.m. – Welcome by Adriana Maldonado López, Member of the European Parliament.
- 4:30 p.m. – Digital Play and Global Citizenship - Lectgure by Thomas Apperley
- 5:15 p.m. – Decalogue of Good Practices for the production of interactive narratives in democracy - Lecture by Carolina de Palma
- 6:10 p.m. – Lecture by Emilio Coppola, Executive Director of the Godot Foundation.
- 6:30 pm - Clossing with Luca carrubba and Eurídice Cabañes, co-directors of ArsGames
Organized by: ArsGames, a resident project at the Canòdrom.