Artificial intelligence is currently experiencing its peak in media popularity and usage. It is being employed in major media newsrooms and offices for grant writing. Furthermore, it plays a role in administrative tasks, such as evaluating applications for social assistance. It even accompanies us at home by providing suggestions for TV series that might pique our interest. On the streets, it is utilized to identify individuals who could potentially disrupt public peace. But how does the process of data processing truly function? What mechanisms lead to these outcomes? And how does AI learn from inaccurate results?
During this theoretical-practical session with the Estampa collective, we delve into the operation of AI models. How exactly is the automated generation of texts and images achieved? What foundational principles underlie the identification of image contents? What are the environmental and political implications associated with the current AI model?
The Canòdrom takes the initiative to put these concepts into practice and further the discussions that have emerged within the scope of the AI, Rights, and Democracy series. This ongoing dialogue explores the potentials and limitations of artificial intelligence.
Organized by: Canòdrom