Hackaton BICxO *1: bikes and sensors


First Hackathon of the BICxO Project. We will explore what we can do with the data collected from bicycle rides, test the prototype with the sensors and gather feedback, and discuss whether this device makes sense for people who work with or use bicycles.

BICxO is a device designed to be mounted on bicycles and connected to the open TTN network via LoRa. The device includes sensors to measure air quality and other factors. We are testing prototypes in terms of usage, mounting, and the data obtained. In this first hackathon, we propose 3 challenges:

(a) Data.
We will provide you with a file containing data obtained during bike rides with the prototype for you to work with. Among other things, we are interested in: correlations between sensor data, differences between routes and times. For this challenge, we are particularly interested in the participation of people with skills in programming or data analysis.

(b) How and Where.
You will have the chance to test the prototype and observe the collected data represented in Grafana. This will enable you to discuss and propose ideas about the best format, where on the bike it should be mounted, whether the data is understandable, the best designs for the casing, or how to power the device. For this challenge, we are particularly looking for participants who enjoy tinkering, testing, and providing feedback, as well as bicycle users.

(c) Why.
We will propose some questions about why a device like this does or does not make sense, allowing you to discuss and draw conclusions and proposals. Questions include:

  • Is it useful to have data on air quality?
  • Is it practical to carry this type of device?
  • Should it be used occasionally or always?
  • Does it make sense for bike professionals, anyone, or activists?

For this challenge, we are particularly interested in the participation of entities and groups involved in bike delivery or active mobility promotion.

Which challenge would you like to work on during the hackathon?

Organized by: FemProcomuns in collaboration with PyLadies BCN

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