Reconceptualizing success within the video game industry

How could we define success within the video game industry? Perhaps the first image that comes to mind is that of the CEO of a large company, or the independent developer who, thanks to a successful game, becomes a millionaire overnight. However, success can take many more forms, perhaps not as spectacular, perhaps more humble or more everyday or more personal, but equally relevant and valid.

Decentralized Protocols with Ahau

Actualment, sabem que uns quants actors descomunals dominen gran part del món en línia, però Internet és més saludable quan moltes persones el controlen. Això és el que es pretén amb la descentralització de la web. Les trobades DWeb són un espai per a conèixer i connectar gent, protocols i projectes en favor d'una web descentralitzada. A més, hi construïm col·lectivament la xarxa descentralitzada, experimental i basada en programari lliure del Canòdrom.

Discover the Canòdrom!

Visits to the Canòdrom

In the 60s, on land dedicated mainly to growing vegetables, the old Meridiana Dog Track was built. With this, Barcelona had up to four dog tracks in operation.

Popularly called "the poor man's casino", it soon became a meeting point, social relations and popular leisure. The fact that there was a lack of parks and green areas nearby led to its use as a family walk area.We recover the memory of this emblematic building with a new guided tour!


8M: Music and Technology in the Stands 2024

Music, technology and vindication: these are the ingredients of the celebration on the occasion of Women's Day at the Canòdrom. The days before March 8 we found ourselves in the stands to demand, with music and debates, a greater presence of women and non-binary identities in these spaces where there is still a long way to go to achieve gender parity. And, if we put technology and algorithms in the middle, the musical genre gap appears even larger.