Critical pedagogy for artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is currently experiencing its peak in media popularity and usage. It is being employed in major media newsrooms and offices for grant writing. Furthermore, it plays a role in administrative tasks, such as evaluating applications for social assistance. It even accompanies us at home by providing suggestions for TV series that might pique our interest. On the streets, it is utilized to identify individuals who could potentially disrupt public peace.

4th Meeting Right to Digital Gaming

The video game is the most influential medium of our time. A space for the generation of symbolic universes with the capacity to generate and legitimize discourses. In addition, it has a clear influence on processes of community, civic and cultural participation. But there is a dark side to the sector: from how companies are dedicated to extracting and selling our data when we play, to dark design patterns designed to deceive users.

Decidim Fest 2023

The Decidim Fest is back, one of the key events to reflect on the dialogue between technology and democracy. This year we put on the table a vital topic for our present: Artificial Intelligence, from a collective and democratic approach.

Virtual Reality Showcase | Tornar-se and Simulations

Canòdrom is one of the main venues on the festival Art Nou, holding an exhibition of Virtual Reality. Art Nou is the emerging art festival in Barcelona and Hospitalet that offers young national and international creators the opportunity to establish their first professional relationship with the art market, galleries, self-managed spaces, and institutions dedicated to emerging art. The festival commits one more year to stimulate young production, reclaim the galleries as spaces for meeting and debate, and put art agents and the public in contact.


Arxius Oberts Fest

Arxius Oberts promotes a research-action process to define, collectively, what is understood as an open and accessible digital cultural archive with social value; a meeting to jointly identify public-community challenges, through different views and perspectives. With the will to promote and facilitate in the communities an effective use of the digital cultural assets of the city, both public and private. A day to share what is the potential and what is the social value of free culture.