Code Club Canòdrom

Are you between 9 and 13 years old? Would you like to create interactive stories, exciting games, and amazing animations? Join the Code Club Canòdrom and discover how to engage with technology in a creative and critical way while bringing your own projects to life!

When?: Every Tuesday, from February 4 to May 27 (except April 15).

What is Code Club?

Hackaton BICxO *1: bikes and sensors

First Hackathon of the BICxO Project. We will explore what we can do with the data collected from bicycle rides, test the prototype with the sensors and gather feedback, and discuss whether this device makes sense for people who work with or use bicycles.

BICxO is a device designed to be mounted on bicycles and connected to the open TTN network via LoRa. The device includes sensors to measure air quality and other factors. We are testing prototypes in terms of usage, mounting, and the data obtained. In this first hackathon, we propose 3 challenges:

Cibernàrium Canòdrom

Do you need a space to resolve all your doubts about technology and the internet? Do you want to learn and get started with basic tools and software? At the Canòdrom you will find the Cibernàrium de Barcelona Activa courses, with which you can learn to do all this and much more for free!

The Cibernàrium Canòdrom is the only one in Barcelona that works with free software. Learn about alternatives in the programs of large technology companies and obtain a more critical and ethical perspective of the tools

Don't think twice and come to the Canòdrom!

Digital Fasting: De-Google Your Mind

We can count on one hand the number of years we've had smartphones in our pockets. In a short span of time, these devices have profoundly changed our lives. The consequences are well-known: constantly being connected prevents us from taking breaks to rest. Furthermore, the most downloaded applications are making us increasingly suspicious. In exchange for a seemingly free product that simplifies our lives, enormous technological empires are being constructed.